GMP Practices For Returning Home
When just washing your hands is not enough
Bad microbes (yeast, mold, bacteria, viruses, etc.) are resilient and are ever-changing. To help prevent what you’ve collected during the day spreading to your home, GMP processes can be implemented upon house entry.
The following are routines that will help keep your family safe when going back home:
- Keep in mind of all of the surfaces that are contacted when entering your home as each surface has a risk factor of harboring and spreading what you came in contact with while outside, clean accordingly
- Head to the Lavatory:
- Blow your nose
- Wash, lather, scrub, rinse and dry your hands
- Wash (Warm water is better) for 20-30 or seconds
- Make sure that a good soap lather is made before rinsing
- Soap lather, suspends dirt by creating greater surface tension in water, traps dirt for easy removal through rinsing
- Some soaps don’t require a ton of lather to get the job done, refer to the manufacture for details
- Soap lather, suspends dirt by creating greater surface tension in water, traps dirt for easy removal through rinsing
- Change your clothes
- Take a shower
- If you take a shower, washing your hair is also recommended. Keep in mind that your hair and clothing are sponges, collecting all sorts of particles throughout the day, one reason why GMP areas require lab coats or overalls
- Brush your teeth and use mouthwash
At home, always:
- Practice good sanitation, have good /detailed cleaning routines
- Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing
- Wash, lather, scrub, rinse and dry your hands
- Before eating food
- Before, during, and after preparing food
- After using the toilet
- After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
- After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
- After handling pet food or pet treats
- After touching garbage
- Before and after treating a cut or wound
- Before and after changing your contacts
- Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhea
- Use hand sanitizer after washing your hands for added protection,
- Note:
- Sanitizers do not get rid of all types of germs
- Hand sanitizers may not be as effective when hands are visibly dirty or greasy
- Hand sanitizers might not remove harmful chemicals from hands like pesticides and heavy metals
Additional FACTS:
What’s the difference between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing?- Cleaning: removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects. Cleaning a surface simply removes visible debris, dirt, and dust. Cleaning should be done to low-risk surfaces (e.g. such as floors, windows, etc.) where the likelihood of pathogen transfer from the surface is low.
- Sanitizing: lowers the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level. Sanitizing a surface makes that surface sanitary or free of visible dirt contaminants that could affect your health. Sanitizing is meant to reduce, not kill, the occurrence and growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Sanitizing should only be applied to contact surfaces where the likelihood of pathogen transfer from the surface is high. Surfaces like door handles, light switches, keyboards, TV remotes, food contact surfaces, etc.
- Disinfecting: kills germs on surfaces or objects. Disinfecting a surface will “kill” the microscopic organisms as claimed on the label of a particular product. Disinfection is appropriate for frequently touched surfaces and surfaces likely to harbor pathogens.
- Note: